Old Coffee Beans

Hello there,
Please kind your advise on this matter

If you have the beans that 4 / 5 weeks old what you should do? Before you order to the roastery or roast by yourself? I have an option here with the situation are

The grinder use are mythos one, dose 20 grams in vst basket with double shoot portafilter, extration time around 23-26 seconds, temperature 92.5-94.5 celcius

  1. Re adjust your water pressure on your coffee machine
  2. Re calibrate the grind size of the grinder
  3. Re adjust the temperature in each group head
  4. Re adjust your shot time
  5. Updose the coffee grounds
  6. Re adjust all the steps.

Please share your advice & thanks for the advise & help :smile:

I believe the most common answer is: cold brew.

(which might explain why so much cold brew tastes bad!)


I think the best thing to do with old beans is to use them as natural fertilisers for your plants or use them as an ingredient in a coffee scrub for your body.

Save it up for opening new grinder / burr.

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If the old beans have a bit of crema?
For scrub i will try it :slight_smile:

My suggestion is to grind them and give them to customers.
put some in a bag, attach a list of uses for the grounds, add your logo & maybe a coupon
they will be a marketing tool instead of bad coffee or a loss.
I hope you like this idea! best wishes


Give them to a local homeless shelter for a tax break if your country offers one. If not, they would still appreciate it.


I like the idea,but if we give them free is an old coffee. How we educate the customers after that? :blush:

I say try it. I’ve had some Colombias that open up and become awesome at 4 weeks. Don’t assume because it’s past the generally accepted 4 weeks that it’s all bad. For many customers even the 4 week old coffees are still better than what they generally drink elsewhere, not that you want to serve a subpar representation of your coffee.


Clearly label the bag so your customers know the coffee is to be recycled and not brewed.
Tell them some cool uses like:
Repel Insects : Mound grounds into a ring to create a protective border around plants that will ward off ants and slugs.
Grow Blue Hydrangeas : Work grounds into the soil at the base of mophead hydrangeas to increase the acidity level. This helps the shrubs absorb aluminum, which you can add to the soil to keep the flowers a vibrant blue.
theres a bunch of ways

I think you should never serve coffee you are not 100% proud of …losing a customer is way more costly than discarding beans.

Homeless shelter is a great idea!

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Thats kinda a lot advice i get here, i’ll try of the advice from you guys by this morning :blush:

Hi All,

My sincere apologies I am coming in a bit late here and Rozi has already disposed off the coffee. Thought it will be good to share one or two things here. Where I come from specialty coffee brewing is just knocking in and we still have a few things to put into place to match the modern and fast evolving technics of getting the best out of great roasted coffee.

We mostly hand pack coffee In one way air valve bags a few hours after roasting and yet to get into nitrogen flushed tech stock value and consumption level has not justified the need for this, at least for now.

I hope I am right that if you control your storage room temperature of the beans - what ever packaging mode you choose from the two you may get away with great tasting coffee even in the third week of opening a bag.

Now why do we nitrogen flush our fresh roasted coffee beans? well everybody’s guess is as good as mine but I feel prolonging the shelf life comes on top of all the others. I have friends who buy quite some volume of great tasting coffee and travel with it home and the same tastes great to the last bag but only if one observes the prerequisites to ensure freshness.

So my point is if the coffee was nitrogen flushed, and stored in the right condition then it is worth trying it out and seeking a second tasting party’s opinion. If not then I am game we need to recycle the coffee other wise I feel the lesson we all learn here is to be extra careful in planning our par levels to ensure great coffee for the world anytime round the week. Most importantly protect the integrity of the product from roasting to the cup.



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I really appreciate the advice, by the way i’m not yet disposed all the old coffee some i grind it all turn to coffee scrub for my body with honey and salt after that keep in fridge overnight then use the scrub on morning bath :grin:

Body scrub is a great idea and depending on the ingredients you use, can have a pretty long shelf life. You can find tutorials easily online. Package it pretty and you’ve got yourself another retail item!

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I think it’s an absolute waste to dispose “old” coffee.
The best coffees I drank in all my specialty coffee life, was at least 4 weeks old.

It’s sounds good to make extra income :blush:

This is true.

One of the best espressos I ever made was from a 6 month old, open bag.


6 months old,how was the taste?or the coffee already stale?:blush:

If the original author is ok i’ll want to ask same question but for less older coffee beans, let’s say 1/2 weeks old, what should we do first ?
Thank’s :wink:

Was it frozen? :slight_smile:

Really though, can you describe it or what was good about it?

As far as my educated guesses: the higher solubility of old coffee could help you achieve a higher extraction while fewer volitiles could make for a very drinkable “smooth” cup. Maybe the strength masks any stale flavors?