Do grinders cool down sufficiently after a busy morning, or do they continue to verge on overheating?

I’ve noticed that with the grinders in one of our cafes (K30 Air), the grinder seems to start clogging up throughout the course of a day starting with the morning dial in, and I feel like the quality of the grounds and consistency never really return. Is this just because the grinder is still running hot, or because the grinder is retaining clumpy grounds that are clogging up the chute?

Two phenomenons we notice are that the grounds themselves will start to become clumpier and clumpier during the day, even getting to the point where they’ll leave little gaps on the seal after tamping. The grinder will also start spitting out grounds of a seemingly different grind setting, which we’ve been chalking up to the rubber chute on the K30s getting stuck and jamming up. This also happens with our Peak, but because we run our single origin espresso on the Peak and our milk blend on the K30, the K30 gets more usage and is more prone to overheating.

My main question is whether a grinder will cool down during normal usage enough, or if once overheating the grinder is going to produce less than optimal grounds for the rest of the day. I could be off base and the grinder may just be clogging up due to design, but I feel like the trend follows the grinder seeing heavy usage and overheating and dispensing different grounds.

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