Have you tried using a SS jam funnel in your PF?
Not sure if this was what you had discussed already but It allows you distribute grinds by vigorously tapping or swirling the coffee so that it falls correctly into the basket and breaks statically charged clumps. Then simply collapse the grinds when you are happy with the distribution and tamp, or use the wedge and tamp.
Once you get used to the amount of force it requires, it becomes a simple and quick process.
perhaps something that would help (i don’t know because i haven’t tried this yet) when dialing in a new coffee or grind setting, would be to tamp manually with a “normal” tamper and then before inserting the portafilter adjust your levy to the depth of your manual tamp.
yes utah is a secret gem. a gem hidden by its historic reputation (so thanks historic reputation for keeping the rent somewhat affordable)
i have not used a jam funnel but i’ve seen it done. perhaps that is worth a try! it definitely seems to take a bit of skill getting it in there all even and such…