I recently acquired a Reichert R2 Mini Coffee Refractometer. It is the version developed by Vince Fedele when he was with Howell, in collaboration with Reichert. I calibrated it and tested it with a defined sucrose solution. It has decent accuracy. However I get an “Error 12” when testing espresso when in TDS% mode. Now I am currently not filtering the coffee, as I read articles that said this did not make a difference in results. I’m not for or against filtering; just wanted to give it a try. Anyway, Error 1 is “no sample present” and Error 2 is “insufficient sample”. Any ideas on the cause, or solutions?
Interesting / curious that I do get refractive index mode (Nd) results, in both standard and temp adjusted mode. But Error 12 for TDS%. Any idea why? Solutions? See initial post above.
Apparently I could convert to Nd to TDS%, if I had V2 of MojoToGo or associated Iphone app. VST Coffee Tools does not seem to have that utility. Can I obtain that v2 software / app anywhere?)